...Biotino ir Bepanteno ampulės arba injekcijos laikomos vienomis geriausių priemonių gydant plaukų slinkimą, kurį sukelia biotino trūkumas organizme, todėl plaukų ampulės stiprina folikulus ir padeda plaukams vėl augti, taip pat stiprina nagus ir apsaugo juos nuo trapumo.
Biotino papildas
Biotinas 0,5%
Bayer Biotinas 0,5%
Vitaminas H papildas
Biotinas plaukams ir nagams
Vitaminas plaukų augimui
Bayer vitaminai
Plaukų ir nagų vitaminai
Biotinas odos sveikatai
Biotino papildas moterims
Plaukų augimo vitaminai vyrams
Vitaminai plaukams, kurie retėja...
Ampoules or injections of Biotin and Bepanthene are considered one of the best medicines for treating hair loss caused by a lack of biotin in the body, and therefore hair ampoules work to strengthen the follicles and help in hair germination again and work to strengthen the nails and prevent them from brittleness.
Biotin supplement
Biotin 0.5%
Bayer Biotin 0.5%
Vitamin H supplement
Biotin for hair and nails
Vitamin for hair growth
Bayer vitamins
Hair and nail vitamins
Biotin for skin health
Biotin supplement for women
Hair growth vitamins for men
Vitamins for thinning hair
Biotin, or vitamin B7, produced by the intestinal bacterial flora is a nutrient necessary for proper glucose transformation. For this reason, it is extremely important for people struggling with diabetes. In addition, biotin plays an important role in the synthesis of fatty acids and in the metabolism of leucine, which belongs to the group of exogenous amino acids and also affects the proper development of the body and the condition of the skin. Symptoms of its deficiency include: <ul> <li> drowsiness </li> <li> Apatia </li> <li> irritability </li> <li> Anxiety and depression </li> <li> hair loss < /li> <li> split nails </li> <li> conjunctivitis </li> </ul> Vitamin B7 can be found in meat (pork, beef, poultry), egg yolks, cheese, bran, dark rice, rapeseed and sunflower oil as well as in fruit - bananas, melons, grapefruits, grapes and peaches. Technological processes and thermal treatment cause a partial or total distribution of biotin contained in food products, so it is important to
Valuable omega-3 fatty acids for a heart-healthy diet plus folic acid for the maintenance of normal homocysteine levels.
Each capsule contains 1000 mg of fish oil with a particularly high content of omega-3 fatty acids of more than 60 percent.
An important source of the omega-3 fatty acids are DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, min. 20%) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid, min. 30%), which have been proven to contribute to a normal heart function (starting from a daily intake of 250 mg). Folic acid and the vitamins B1, B6, B12 and E have a supporting effect. Folic acid normalizes homocysteine levels. Vitamin B1 - also known as thiamine - contributes to normal cardiac function. The vitamins B6 and B12 help the body produce red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all parts of the body. Vitamin E helps protect cells against oxidative stress.
Art. No.:95
Lo shampoo per la cura dei capelli alla biotina 400ml rinforza e nutre i capelli grazie al suo contenuto di biotina (vitamina B7). Aiuta le ciocche di capelli a sembrare più spesse e più sane, riduce la caduta dei capelli. È un prodotto efficace per la cura dei capelli che aiuta i capelli ad apparire più sani, lucenti e voluminosi.
L'huile de coco bio est une huile végétale réputée pour apporter brillance, force et nutrition aux cheveux très secs, ainsi qu'un effet soyeux et protecteur sur la peau.
Une fabrication Française et Bio
Comment utiliser l'huile de coco Bio ?
Cuir chevelu & cheveux: appliquer une petite quantité d'huile végétale bio sur le cuir chevelu, ou sur les longueurs et pointes de la chevelure sèche ou humide, modeler en faisant quelques pressions du bout des doigts. Ne se rince pas
Peau: Déposer une noisette d'huile végétale bio sur la peau, masser et faire pénétrer
Composition: Coco nucifera oil
Presentación:50 comprimidos
Composición:Agentes de carga (celulosa microcristalina y fosfato cálcico), Clorhidrato de piridoxina
Modo de empleo:Tomar 1 comprimido al día, con el desayuno
Dosis diaria recomendada:1 comprimido
A complex of B vitamins with magnesium is a dietary supplement for nourishing the body with useful vitamin and mineral components, in particular, ensuring brain function, supporting the cardiovascular system, and the gastrointestinal tract. The complex is useful for the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems, the conduction of nerve impulses and increasing the body's resistance to various stresses and infections, seasonal diseases.
Magnesium - Hochdosiert & Rein | Magnesiumpräparate
- Natürliche Magnesiumverbindungen, für eine besonders gute Aufnahme im Körper.
- Zur Unterstützung des Energiestoffwechsels, der Muskel- und Nervenfunktion.
- Analysierter und geprüfter Rohstoff in Markenqualität.
- Reinsubstanzen - ohne künstliche Zusatzstoffe.
- Als Kapseln, Pulver oder Magnesiumöl.
Spiruline forte ultra concentrée
Les Laboratoires Phytoceutic, experts des compléments alimentaires d’origine naturelle et BIO depuis plus de 30 ans, proposent un comprimé monocomposant 100% de Spiruline, sans aucun excipient, certifié BIO. Concentré à 1000 mg de Spiruline, il apporte la dose recommandée en seulement 2 à 4 comprimés par jour.
Spiruline RAW
La Spiruline Bio de Phytoceutic est dite "RAW", c'estàdire non soumise à traitement thermique supérieur à 42°C.
SPIRULINE FORTE 1000 mg BIO complète de manière optimale l’alimentation en nutriments essentiels, notamment en protéines, idéale pour les végétariens et végétaliens et en accompagnement de régime minceur.
Origine de la spiruline bio Inde.
Mode de séchage de notre spiruline spray Drying (atomisation), le produit liquide est pulvérisé en petites gouttelettes qui vont aller à la rencontre de l’air chaud situé à l’intérieur d’un sécheur atomiseur.
The best protection comes from inside. For an extra strong defence mechanism. For supporting the nervous system.
Supports/Is good for Increased blood lipid and triglyceride count
Circulatory problems
Heart circulatory disorders
Weak immune system
Diabetes mellitus
Intake of psychotropic drugs
Recommended dose Take 1 capsule twice a day with water.
Content: 60 Vegi capsules
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B3 nicotine amide for a strong immune system. The body needs vitamin B3 for extracting energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It is also involved in building neurotransmitters in the brain as well as the repair of damage in the genetic information.
Vitamin B3 has a big influence on the scavenger cells in the body and makes the immune system powerful. How powerfully vitamin B3 supports the immune system is clear from the fact that high doses of vitamin B3 are used in the latest research against resistant disease germs.
Superfood rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibers.
Produced in a E.U. certificated laboratory.
ISO 9001. Quality management certification.
Wir bieten Biotin für Ihren pharmazeutischen Bedarf in CEP Qualität mit kompletter Dokumentation an.
Sprechen Sie uns gerne an für alle weiteren Informationen!
Orijinal La Miera Norel markasıdır.
Sağlık Bakanlığı Tarafından Onaylı ve Tescillidir. Kozmetik Kanununa Göre Üretilmiştir.
Ambalaj Özellikleri: 50 ml, Sıvı, Cam şişe kutulu
Kullanım Amacı:
Saç köklerini aktif olarak besler ve güçlendirir, saç dökülmesini durdurur, saç büyümesini hızlandırır, zayıf ve yıpranmış saç yapısını geri kazandırır.
Saçın daha kolay yönetilmesini sağlar, hacminin korunmasına yardımcı olur ve saça sağlıklı bir parlaklık verir.
Tüm saç tiplerine uygundur. Saçın yağ dengesini korur.
Ürünün geliştirilmesi ve ARGE çalışmalarında hayvanlar üzerinde test edilmemiştir.
Paraben içermez.
Kullanım Şekli;
Losyonu günde iki seans uygulamak gerekir ve her iki uygulamadan birinde saçlarınızı yıkamanız önerilir. Kullanım süresinde saçlarınızı mevcut yıkama alışkanlığınızda kullandığınız şampuan/sabun ürünlerini kullanabilir veya saflık oranı yüksek saç yıkama ürünlerinden birini tercih edebilirsiniz.
Purifiante et aromatique, l’huile essentielle de citron est connue pour son effet énergisant qui stimule l’organisme. Vous pouvez profiter au maximum de ses propriétés toniques en optant pour un produit 100 % bio pour imprégner vos pièces d’une senteur fruitée et fine. Chez Balqis, nous mettons notre savoir-faire de grossiste à destination des professionnels pour vous proposer le meilleur du citron sous sa forme d’huile essentielle !
L’huile essentielle de citron : un allié pour votre bien-être
Les arômes propres au citron sont amplifiés par le processus d’expression à froid ou d’entraînement à la vapeur utilisé pour créer l’huile essentielle. La forte odeur d’agrume qui en résulte est idéale pour améliorer votre humeur et celle de votre entourage.
Grâce à son action tonique, l’huile essentielle de citron bio agit sur la concentration, la mémoire et la fatigue intellectuelle. Les huiles essentielles de citron stimulent ainsi votre esprit fatigué
Für das Full Spectrum CBD Öl verwendet ALPINOLS ein Hanfextrakt, was aus Bio-zertifiziertem Anbau im Schweizer Alpenland stammt. Neben Cannabidiol (CBD) beinhaltet das Öl alle natürlichen Bestandteile der Hanfpflanze, wie Terpene, Cannabinoide und Flavonoide. Als Trägeröl wird hochwertiges Sonnenblumenöl verwendet, ebenfalls in Bio-Qualität.
Le Premium Label 30% et un concentré de pur cannabidiol pour une performance et une récupération optimale. Il est destiné aux sportifs amateurs ou professionnels s’entrainant tous les jours à haute intensité. Il aide à améliorer vos performances, et dépasser vos objectifs.
Augmente votre capacité d’entrainement
Optimise et accélère votre récupération
Diminue le risque de blessures
Diminue les courbatures
Décuple votre concentration
Oddway International is proud to offer Nindanib Nintedanib 150 mg at a reasonable price. As a leading global pharmaceutical wholesaler, Oddway International is dedicated to providing high-quality medications at competitive prices, ensuring that everyone has access to affordable treatment worldwide. They source Nindanib Nintedanib 150 mg from reputable manufacturers to guarantee high efficacy and safety.
Order Nintedanib 150 mg from Oddway International and save on Nintedanib cost. Place your order via sales@oddwayinternational.com
Here are the product specifications:
Brand Name: Nindanib 150mg
Composition: Nintedanib 150mg
Manufactured By: Glenmark Pharmaceuticals
Form: Capsule
Packing: Pack of 10 Capsules
Lightweight filler fluid restores structural damage to hair. Prevents split ends, detangles hair ends.
The use of the fluid in combination with shampoo, mask and spray of the b2 Hair series enhances the effectiveness of care, as the formulas are perfectly balanced with each other.
INGREDIENTS: Cyclopentasiloxsane, Dimethiconol, Biotin, Hydrolyzed Silk, Tocopheryl Acetate, Hydrolyzed Quinoa, Retinyl Palmitate, Parfume.
für müde oder blasse, geschwollene oder überreizte Haut
GOLDEN WATER Spezialtonicum - die exklusive Schönheitspflege für müde oder blasse, geschwollene oder überreizte Haut!
Artikelnummer: 0,91
Gewicht: 0,50 kg
Versandfertig: in ca. 3-4 Werktagen
Par ses vertus apaisantes, l’huile de CBD 10% chiens – Saveur Bacon permet de soulager le stress de votre animal de compagnie. Son arôme de bacon favorise l’administration du produit dans la gueule de votre chien.
Blue -green microalga spirulina nourishes and tones, helps fight deficiencies, and at the same time thanks to the high content of chlorophyll cleansing. Its ingredients are well absorbed. Next to the protein in spirulina there is a wealth of beta-carotene, chlorophyll, GLA and other nutrients. It is a rich source of easily absorbable protein, which accounts for about 70% of its weight. The protein contained in Spirulina is digested in up to 85%. It contains large amounts: vitamins D, K and B vitamins. It is also a good source: iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. Thanks to the content of iodine, spirulina can help in the therapy of thyroid disease caused by its deficiency. Spirulina cleanses the liver and kidneys of toxins, improves blood quality, promotes the development of the proper intestinal bacterial flora and has the ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi and yeast. The decisive blue color is rarely found among food products.
Fish collagen in capsules is a product obtained from white tołpyga leather - freshwater fish, feeding on plankton and fine vegetable food. This fish is caught from controlled water reservoirs under veterinary control. It is constantly ensured by the minimum of water pollution with heavy metals. Kolagen is a long -chain amino acid and the most abundant protein in the human body. It is a large part of the skin, hair and nails. It is used in the case of joint pain and osteoarthritis, in movement organs such as tendons. It affects cartilage regeneration, wound healing, strengthens the skin, hair and nails. Capsules - 340 mg </strong> & nbsp; <strong> use </strong> 2-4 capsules per day (in the morning or evening) sipping with a lot of water. The recommended time to take the preparation is 3 months. The product cannot be used by people allergic to any of its ingredients. Remember that only a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet ensure the proper functioning of the body and maintaining good
Microalga espirulina azul de green nutre y tonos ayuda a combatir deficiencias y, al mismo tiempo, gracias al alto contenido de la limpieza de clorofila. Sus ingredientes están bien absorbidos. Junto a la proteína en la espirulina hay una riqueza de betacaroteno, clorofila, GLA y otros nutrientes. Es una rica fuente de proteína fácilmente absorbible, que representa aproximadamente el 70% de su peso. La proteína contenida en la espirulina se digiere en hasta el 85%. Contiene grandes cantidades: vitaminas D, K y B vitaminas. También es una buena fuente: hierro, calcio, fósforo, magnesio y zinc. Gracias al contenido del yodo, la espirulina puede ayudar en la terapia de la enfermedad tiroidea causada por su deficiencia. La espirulina limpia el hígado y los riñones de las toxinas, mejora la calidad de la sangre, promueve el desarrollo de la flora bacteriana intestinal adecuada y tiene la capacidad de inhibir el crecimiento de bacterias, hongos y levadura.
La microalga bleu-gree, la spiruline nourrise et les tons, aide à lutter contre les lacunes et en même temps grâce à la teneur élevée du nettoyage de la chlorophylle. Ses ingrédients sont bien absorbés. À côté de la protéine en spiruline, il y a une richesse de bêta-carotène, de chlorophylle, de GLA et d'autres nutriments. Il s'agit d'une riche source de protéines facilement absorbables, qui représente environ 70% de son poids. La protéine contenue dans la spiruline est digérée jusqu'à 85%. Il contient de grandes quantités: vitamines D, K et B vitamines. C'est aussi une bonne source: fer, calcium, phosphore, magnésium et zinc. Grâce au contenu de l'iode, la spiruline peut aider à la thérapie de la maladie thyroïdienne causée par sa carence. La spiruline nettoie le foie et les reins des toxines, améliore la qualité du sang, favorise le développement de la bonne flore bactérienne intestinale et a la capacité d'inhiber la croissance des bactéries, des champignons et de la levure.
Niebieskozielona mikroalga spirulina odżywia i tonizuje, pomaga zwalczyć niedobory, a jednocześnie dzięki wysokiej zawartości chlorofilu działa oczyszczająco. Jej składniki są dobrze przyswajalne. Obok białka w spirulinie występuje bogactwo beta-karotenu, chlorofilu, kwasu GLA i innych składników odżywczych.Jest bogatym źródłem łatwo wchłanialnego białka, które stanowi około 70% jej masy. Białko zawarte w spirulinie jest trawione w aż 85%. Zawiera duże ilości: witaminy D, K oraz witamin z grupy B. Jest także dobrym źródłem: żelaza, wapnia, fosforu, magnezu i cynku. Dzięki zawartości jodu spirulina może pomóc w terapii chorób tarczycy wywołanych jego niedoborem. Spirulina oczyszcza wątrobę i nerki z toksyn, poprawia jakość krwi, sprzyja rozwojowi właściwej flory bakteryjnej jelit i ma zdolność hamowania wzrostu bakterii, grzybów oraz drożdży.Zdecydowane niebieskie zabarwienie rzadko spotyka się wśród produktów żywnościowych.
Before the body can make use of the important Coenzyme Q10, it must be converted into its biologically active form (Ubiquinol). If the body is supplied directly with Ubiquinol, the conversion process will be superfluous. The activated Q10 Ubiquinol is immediately available to the organism.
Each capsule contains 100 mg of Ubiquinol (KANEKA Ubiquinol™, activated chemical form of CoQ10).
Coenzym Q10
Enzymes are key biological catalysts which allow reactions and life processes to take place in the cells in all living organisms. Enzymes require so-called coenzymes - wherein the coenzyme Q10 plays a particularly important role.
Coenzyme Q10 is one of the body's own substances belonging to the group of vitaminoids. It contains substances similar to vitamins and is an important part of our daily nutrition. Q10 is primarily found in the organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys.
Art. No.:1824